Purpose: The Battery Trend report graphically displays the power status of the vehicle battery and the Skytrax unit Standby battery over a specified time frame. The first page provides a graphical representation of the readings for the day to assist the user in performing a quick analysis, whilst the following pages provide detailed measurements for the plotted graph.
1. Select the Reports tab to display the reports screen.
2. In the Selection section of the screen the user:
a. Select the Battery Trend report from the drop down list.
b. Set up a date and time filter by entering the From and To period.
c. If require, enter the Email address to send the report.
3. Using the side bar on the right side, search for the Vehicle/Group to draw the report on.
4. Transfer the Vehicle/Group information to the Working List.
5. Select the Vehicle/Group in the Working List.
6. The Search icon will only be active to draw the report if the Vehicle/Group has been added to the Working List.
7. "Click" the Search icon to initiate the report generation process. The report loading progress is shown on the screen.
8. The retrieved information is displayed in graph format.
9. Use the toolbar to view, print, save or sent the report to a recipient by Email.