8.1 Maintenance Tab Functions
Purpose: A Maintenance Tab feature has been included in Empower to allow for the setup of maintenance tasks for vehicles. These maintenance tasks serve as reminders for important events such as vehicle service intervals etc.
8.1.1 Creating a New Task Type
a. Select the Maintenance Tab
b. Select the Sub Tab “Schedules”
c. Click on the “Create New Task Type” icon.
d. A popup will appear allowing the user to setup a new task type.
e. Select a desired icon by clicking on the picture next to the task name.
f. Enter a name for the new task eg. Vehicle Service or Licence Renewal
g. In the Expiry Days field, the user will be required to enter a numerical value to indicate how many days after the scheduled start date, the task will expire.
h. Under the notification settings the user will be able to enter when the notifications will be delivered, by either entering the amount of days or the distance.
8.1.2 Creating a New Schedule
a. Select the “Create New Schedule” icon.
b. A popup will open allowing the user to setup a new schedule.
c. From the drop down menu, select a Task Type.
d. Enter a name for the Schedule and add any notes to the description field.
e. The First Occurrence date will allow the user to select when the schedule will commence.
f. The user will then need to select the interval at which the task will reoccur by either selecting a time range or entering a distance interval.
g. From the radio button selection, select when the next occurrence should take place.
h. Next the user has to select when the reminder notification should occur.
i. From the drop down menu, the user has to select a reminder delivery method. i.e. Email or SMS and enter the delivery address or number.
j. Click on the “Add Vehicle” icon to assign a vehicle to the schedule.
k. Click on the Save button when a vehicle has been added to the schedule.
8.1.3 Updating a Task
a. Select the sub tab “Tasks”
b. When a schedule is due for the first occurrence, it will be displayed in the Open Tasks list.
c. Click on the “Update Task” icon.
d. A popup will open to update the selected task.
e. If the specific task has been started, tick the Task Started box and save the task.
f. The task start date will now be updated.
g. Any notes added will be displayed in the Notes field.
h. In the “Expense on Completed Task” section, the user will be able to enter all expenses for the specific task. (This is optional)
i. Once a task has been completed, tick the Task Completed box and update the task.
j. The task will remain on the Open Tasks list until it is manually deleted.