2.3 Change Password

2.3 Change Password

This function enables the user to change the current password thereby enhancing the security to confidential information of the client's fleet.


It is recommended to change the password upon the completion of the software application installation, in order to secure the application for individuals with authorised access. Should it be suspected that a breach in security to fleet operational information took place, do a password change immediately.

The user must enter the current password before the password can be changed.

1.     To change the password, tick in the Change password box which will open the dialog box below.


2.      "Click" in the blank "New Password" field.

3.     Type in the new password. (This password must be remembered.)

4.     "Click" in the blank Confirm New Password field and retype the new password. (A notification will be displayed if any errors were made by the user.

5.     "Click" the Login icon to initiate the password change process.

6.     To cancel the password change, click the Close icon.