Purpose: The purpose of the Log In function is to
allow an authorised user to gain access to the Empower application.
· Make sure that an internet connection with your service provider has been established before attempt to log in.
· Tracker Connect (Pty) Ltd provides the user with a temporary Username and password to log in.
1. Start the workstation that is installed with the Empower software application.
2. Once Windows completed its start-up sequence, click the Empower short cut icon on the desktop.
3. A Launch Application notification is displayed. Empower launches a verification process to ensure that the latest updates are downloaded and the workstation is configured correctly.
4. Once the verification process is completed, the Please login to access Empower dialog box is displayed.
5. "Click" in the blank Username field. Enter the user name provided by Tracker Connect (Pty) Ltd. The username is case sensitive.
6. "Click" in the Password window blank field. Enter the password provided by Tracker Connect (Pty) Ltd. The password is case sensitive.
7. "Click" the Login icon. If the username and password was entered correctly, the Empower application will open. If not, a notification is displayed indicating the type of error made by the user. If the password is incorrect, the user will be notified: User has to be registered to use this system. Please contact your administrator
8. To aboard the login attempt, "click" the Cancel icon next to Login. The Empower application will close and return to Windows.
9. Incorrect password login errors are restricted to 3 attempts. Should this be exceeded, the Empower application will deny any further login attempts. Please contact Tracker Connect (Pty) Ltd to reset the application.
10. "Click" on the Change Password tick box. Additional fields will appear allowing you to change your password.
"Click" the Change password tick box. (Refer to 2.3 Change Password )
11. After logging in correctly, a notification is displayed indicating that the application load the necessary maps and screens to enable the user to perform the available functions.
12. On completion, the application defaults to the Map tab screen. The main
screen provides access to all the primary functions of the Empower application.
The user uses this screen as the starting point to perform all the primary
functions. In most cases, the user will be taken to a screen on the next lower
level if a function on the main screen is accessed. Empower will not always
open on the Map screen by default. When
ending a login session and the user log in again, the default screen will be
the last screen viewed when the user logged out.
13. Tabs in the centre of the main screen (i.e. Map, Control Centre, Stack and Reports) provide access to other primary functions referred to in Figure 2 at operational level. The Map main screen is the main window that houses all top level menus, tabs, and display area.
The Empower application defaults to the last screen that was opened. The numbers on the screen relates to the different parts of the Help File where detail description of the functions is explained.