3.2.1 Side Bar

3.2.1 Map Sidebar

1.      When the Map tab is opened, a sidebar is displayed on the right side. This sidebar provides access to:

a.     Vehicles (tab) with an additional Group functionality at the bottom of the side bar.(Refer to par 3.3 )

b.  Groups (tab). (Refer to )

c.    Driver (tab).(Refer to par 3.4 )

d.     Areas (tab).(Refer to par 3.5)

e.  Routes (tab). (Refer to par 3.6)

f.    Working Times (tab).(Refer to par 3.7 )

2.      Certain functions are performed from the sidebar.

a.      Search: The user can search for a Vehicle or Group of vehicles, Driver, Areas, Routes or Working Time. Depending on the selected function (Vehicles, Driver, Areas, Routes, Working Times or Groups), the Search window heading will change to reflect the relevant information.

b.      The heading of the selected function is displayed on top of the sidebar (Vehicles/Groups, Driver, Areas, Routes or Working Times).

c.      Only Vehicles/Groups, Drivers, Areas, Routes or Working Times appearing in the Working List can be managed.

d.      Actions on the functions to perform: Add, Delete or Edit and are managed by icons or tick-boxes.