1.1 Scope of Help File
It is recommended that the Empower user get completely familiarised with the content of the Help File before using the application. This Help File provides a systematic approach to operate and use the application and is logically divided into the following parts:
Part 1 - Introduction : Provide an introduction to the user on the software capabilities and hardware requirements. A functional overview of the integrated system provides the user an overall understanding of the various roles players involved in fleet management.
Part 2 - Start Up : The user is guided step by step to download and install the application and commercial off the shelve software from the internet.
Part 3 - Map Tab : Most of the management functions are performed on this start-up screen. The layout and functions of the various tabs, icons and inputs appearing on the Map tab are explained.
Part 4: Dual View : The "Dual View" service is a service that allows clients to have a single view of all their vehicles regardless of the technology type being used i.e. Skytrax or TomTom.
Part 5 - Control Centre Tab : This part explains the screen layout and displayed information of the Control Centre Tab.
Part 6 - Stack Tab : This part explains the screen layout and displayed information of the Stack Tab.
Part 7 - Jobs Tab : This part explains the screen layout and the functions of the Jobs Tab.
Part 8 - Video Tab : This part explains the screen layout and features of the Video Tab.
Part 9 - Maintenance Tab : The user is guided to setup maintenance tasks for the required vehicles.
Part 10 - Reports Tab : A total of 32 reports can be drawn from the Empower application to analyse the performance of the registered vehicles. Each report is discussed.