1.2 System Requirements

1.2 System Requirements

The minimum hardware requirements to install the Empower application are:

·         Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo (Equivalent or Higher)

·         Printer - A suitable ink jet or laser printer connected on a network or to the Empower Workstation.

·         Internet Access - ADSL or at least 1 MB Internet connection to speed up downloads from the Tracker server.

·         Display: Screen Resolution - 1024x768 or Higher

The software requirements to run the Empower application are:

·         Operating System: Windows 7 or higher.

·         MS Office: The application will utilize any standard available default spread sheet program.

Application Software:

·         Empower application: The latest version downloaded from the internet.

·         Windows Installer 4.5 (Download from internet).

·         Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (x 86 and x 64. Downloaded from internet).


Figure 1 illustrates a typical workstation layout from where a user or fleet manager operates.

Figure 1: Typical Empower Workstation Layout